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Located in northeastern Peru on highlands, rim of the jungle, and Amazonian jungle. Its principal attraction is Kuelap wich is an ancient stone fortressbuilt estrategically on a mountain top looking out over the Uctubamba Valley. Its one of the most important archaeological monuments of the Americas.

Kuelap was discoveredin 1843. It was built around the 9th century by the pre-Inca culture of Chachapoyas, in difficult terrain of the cloud forest.The citadle cobres ana rea of around 6 hectares (around 14_acres) with some 420 circular buildings that incluye a watchtower and a castle. The defense walls are very impressive, reaching 25 meters(82 feet) in height, with three points of acces shaped like funnels, so that only one person can enter at a time. Kuelap includes ana rea for camping that provides espectacular views

The Kuelap fortress

The region´s attractions include Leymebamba, where there is a comunita museum that exhibits valuable remains of the Chachapoyas culture. There is also a fascinating trail (15 hours by mule) to the mysterious Laguna de los Condores or Lake of the Condors (also called Lake of the Mummies), where a series of pre-Inca mausoleums stand high above the shore. Some 48 Km. (5 hours by mule) northwest of Chachapoyas is the village of Shipata (2,760 meters / 9,052 feet) and the impressive vertical thombs of Karajia perche don the rockface facing the valley of  Juscubamba.

There are also remains of the ancient Chachapoyas and varied folk arts at Jalca Grande (2,890 meters /9,479 feet)

Altitude: Chachapoyas: 2,336 meters (7, 662 feet); Kuelap: 3000 meters (9840 feet) 

How to Get There:By air:flights from Lima with a stopover in Tarapoto (90 minutes)Overland:from Tarapoto, 359 Km /223 miles ( 8 hours in private transport); from Cajamarca, 336 Km /209 miles (14 hours); from Lima via Trujillo and Chiclayo to Chachapoyas, 1350 Km / 839 miles (20 hours); from Chiclayo to Chachapoyas,570 Km / 354 miles (9 hours).There is no regular public transport to Kuelap but we can bring you in private ones organaizing expeditions.

Lodging: Up to Three-star hotels in Chachapoyas. Basic accomodations in other towns, and areas ideal for camping. 

Activities: Archaeology ecotourism, trekking, flora and fauna watching, angling (Laguna de los Condores)

Tourist Services: Basic restaurants in Chachapoyas, overland transport to Kuelap (organized tours),    guided tours, full services for visiting other towns.

Minimun Length of Stay: Two days to visit Kuelap, seven days to visit Laguna de los Condores.

Recomendations: Visitors should take it easy when they arrives as they will need to get used to the high altitude. Eat easily-digestible food and drink coca tea (called mate de coca) to ward off high altitude sickness of soroche.

Attractions: Kuelap Fortress, Karajia Sarcophagi, Gocta Waterfall, Town of the Dead, Leymebamba Museum, Lake of the Condors, Yalape Archeological Remains.

Season / Climate: The best time of year to visit is betwen June and October as rains are rare. Temperatures are to cold.


Chachapoyas Tourist Week(June 1-7):mayor festivities incluye the My Neighborhood festival and the Raymillacta of the Chachapoyas.

Festival of The Virgen de Asunta:(August 7-15): the statue of the Virgen is carried through the streets of Chachapoyas, wich have been carpeted with brightly-colored flower petals.

Festival of the Señor de Gualamita(September 10-15): legend has it that the statue of Christ originally cane from Cusco, from where it was brought to Lamud.

Gastronomy: Purtumute: black beans cooked with kemels of swettcorn and cilantro.

Cuy con Papas: potatoes and fried guinea pig.

Juanes de Yuca: grated and boiled manioc mixed with rice and chicken and/or beef jerky wrapped in corn husks.

Enrollado: Beef of pork rolled and stuffed with raisins, carrots and hard-boiled eggs.




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