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Southern Peru

Southern Peru

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Day 1: Arrival to Lima

Reception in airport, transfer to the hotel.

 Day 2: City Tour Lima

Breakfast, we will start the tour with then the Promenade of Republic, San Martin Square and the Main Square, with their different buildings: Government Palace, Archibishop´s Palace, the Cathedral Basílica and the Municipal Palace also we will enter to the Museum of the Banco Central de Reserva, Convent of Saint Francis and its Catacombs. We will continue visiting The Olive Grove of San Isidro, Kennedy Park in Miraflores and Larco Mar.

Day 3: Paracas, Ballestas Islands & buggies

Breakfast & Transfer to the Bus Station. We go to Ballestas Islands, they are located outside the reserve area. They constitute the habitat of a great variety of birds and sea lions. The reserve´s 335.000 hectares is a refuge for seals, Humboldt penguins, flamingos, and many other birds. You can visit many different natural and archaeological attractions in the reserve. One of them is the El Candelabro (The Candelabra), a geoglyph of more than 120 meters, better appreciated from the ocean that shelters marine otters or chingungos, a species on the verge of extinction, and other marine birds.

The next tour will begin in our Buggies along California desert, where the International Dakar competition was developed, and crossing dunes over 200 meters.

Transfer to the Bus Station and arrive to the hotel in Nazca. (2 Hrs. Aprox.)

Day 4: Nazca Lines

After breakfast at the hotel will be taken to the Nazca Airport to fly over the area in our small airplane, it is a vast network of lines and drawings of animals and plants credited to the Nazca culture covering an area approximately 350 Km2.

In the afternoon transfer to the Bus Station to Lima (5 Hrs. Aprox.)

Day 5: Lima- Arequipa

Breakfast, transfer from the hotel to the airport to fly to Arequipa.

Lima- Arequipa city fly

Reception in airport, transfer to the hotel, then City tour and Convent of Santa Catalina, Visit to the Cathedral, crossed by the claustros of the convent with its side streets, houses… Return to the hotel, overnight.

Day 6: Colca Canyon

Breakfast, we depart towards the Cañon of Colca, crossed by Pampas cañahuas (reserve of vicunas), Vizcachani, Viewpoint of Chucura… Arrival to Chivay, accomodation in Hotel. Visit to the Thermal Baths – the Limekiln of the Calera. Overnight.

Day 7: Colca & transfer to Puno

After breakfast we continue towards the Cross of the Cóndor where we can observe the depth and majesty of the Tube of the Colca, as well as the flight of cóndores, crossed by native towns of Pinchillo, Maca and Yanque.

Transfer from Chivay and arrive to the hotel in Puno. (5 Hrs. Aprox.)

Arrival to Puno, reception at hotel & accommodation, overnight.

Day 8: Floating islands of the Uros and Taquile

Breakfast in the hotel. The motor boat will take us around The Lake Titicaca, to the Floating island of the Uros. We continue with the visit of Isla Taquile. Return to the hotel, overnight.

Day 9: Chullpas de Sillustani

Breakfast. Excursion to the Chullpas de Sillustani and visit of the Umayo lake, where the Chullpas are located. Visiting the Gignatarios of the Tiahuanaco culture. Return to the hotel, overnight.

Day 10: Route of the Sun

Breakfast, the next tour includes 5 stops to visit La Raya – beautiful Andean hot springs Resort, and Pucara – landscapes known as «the temple of fertility», Sicuani – place where we enjoy a delicious lunch buffet, the colonial church of Andahuaylillas, known as the America’s Sistine Chapel, Raqchi  «Wiracocha (the creator of the Andean world) temple»

Day 11: Cusco city tour

Arrival to Cusco and transfer to the hotel *** , after the lunch we start the tour and know El Museo de Sitio de Qorikancha, Temple of the Sun, Saqsayhuaman Archeological Complex, in the upper part of the city, Q´enqo, wich is considered a holy place where ceremonies honoring the sun, Puka Pukara which contains several rooms,inner plazas, arqueducts, vantage points and pathways, Tambomachay, that might have fulfilled an important religious function linked to water and the regeneration of the land El Centro Qosqo de Arte Nativo, where you might enjoy of the music and dances of Cusco.

Day 12: Sacred Valley                                                                                             

After the breakfast our tour tour starts by El Valle Sagrado de los Incas, to know Pisac, well known for its craft market, but there are also inca archeological remants:El Intihuatana, a solar clock calendar, an astronomical observatory, and Los andenes de los Incas, agricultural terraces. We will pass by Calca Town. We will have the lunch in a touristic restaurant of Urubamba. Then our next point will be Ollantaytambo, where the incas built a fort that included a temple, agricultural terraces and an urban area, we also will apreciateLas piedras cansadas, el Tunupa, Then we will go to Ollantaytambo´s train station to get Aguas Calientes Town.(2 hrs. aprox.), arrival to the hotel. Overnight.


Breakfast. Then after our guide is waiting to aboard a touristic bus for going to carry you to Machu Picchu historic Sanctuary, an impressive Inca citadel placed on the side of a mountain. Its quechua name means “Old Mountain”, but it is also known as “The Lost City of The Incas”. For the afternoon we will back by backpacker train to Cusco city and to our hotel.

Day 14: Cusco – Lima

Breakfast, shopping morning at the city, then after transfer from the hotel to the airport to fly to Lima city.

Cusco – Lima city fly

End of the Services


• Transfer airport/hotel/airport in all destinations. 

• Lima

  • City Tour
  • 3 nights in Lima in the Jose Antonio Hotel www.hotelesjoseantonio.com

• Ica 2 Days/1 Night

  • Ballestas Islands & buggies
  • Nazca Lines
  • 1 night in Nazca in the Majoro Hacienda, Boutique & Resort www.hotelmajoro.com

• Arequipa 3 Days/2 Nights

  • City Tour
  • Monastery of Santa Catherine 
  • Tour Colca Canyon
  • 1 night in Arequipa City in the Katari Hotel www.hotelkatari.com
  • 1 night in Chivay in Casa Andina www.casa-andina.com/destinos/colca/standard-colca/

• Puno 3 Days/2 Nights

  • Uros and Taquile (Lago Titicaca)
  • Ruins of Sillustani 
  • 3 nights in Puno in the Jose Antonio Hotel www.hotelesjoseantonio.com

• Cuzco 5 Days/4 Nights

  • City Tours
  • Bordering Ruins
  • Sacred Valley + Lunch Buffet 
  • Macchu Picchu
  • 3 nights in Cusco in the Jose Antonio Hotel www.hotelesjoseantonio.com
  • 1 night in Aguas Calientes in Casa Andina www.casa-andina.com/destinos/machu-picchu/casa-andina-standard-machu-picchu/

• Tkts Aerial 

  • Lima – Arequipa
  • Cusco – Lima

• Tkts Terrestrial

  • Chivay – Puno
  • Puno – Cusco, The route of the Sun 

• Tkt Train 

  • Ollantaytambo – Aguas Calientes   

• Buffet Breakfasts

• Meals according to itinerary


DOUBLES    2,616 USD

TRIPLE         2,543USD

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