The oldest civilization in America
The millennial civilization of Caral, the oldest in America, can be considered as a symbol of identity and national integration. Seated in the Supe district, Barranca, to 193 Kilometers to the north of Lima, has an economic complex organization, politics and social, also an ideology and cosmovisión that are being discovered as the excavation works and investigation continuing.

Did you know about CARAL?
It was a town of scientific and technological evident achievements. The investigators found vestiges that date of 5000 years. The samples belong to the Archaic Late Period (3000 to 1800 years B. C.)
In the Sacred City of Caral has been valuable pieces like the oldest quipu in the continent and musical diverse instruments as flutes, comets, antaras and quenas.
At the moment the investigators are doing excavation. Today we could appreciate the part of the pyramidal central building, an amphitheater of celebrations and political rites and religious of this surprising town that will contribute valuable revelations of this very old culture.

The societies of Caral and of the Peruvian northcentral area, advanced to be a civilized state in comparison with the other populations from Peru and of America. The oldest constructions found in Caral date of 5,000 years to. C.
The Caral economy was basically fishing-agricultural based on the exchange. It promoted the labor specialization, and the development.
Architectural, residential and public structures were built. Monumental impressive buildings, are showed as the » capital area » that congregated to eight populated centers: one of them was the most extensive and complex city in the time, carefully planned, with buildings pyramidal, big squares and residential several groupings.