Huaylas Aley
The Huascaran National Park, in the Cordillera Blanca, has an area of 340,000 hectares, and it has 296 lakes and 663 glaciers, – one of them is the Nevado del Huascaran, considered the highest in Peru 6,768 M.A.S.L. but is considered the most beautiful in the world.

Ancash Archaeological Museum: Luzuriaga St. 762, Huaraz. This museum exhibits an important collection of stone sculptures from the Recuay culture. In addition, it has interesting pieces of ceramics and looms from the Chavín, Mochica, Wari and Chimú cultures.
Huascarán National Park: It is located in the Cordillera Blanca, recognized as the highest tropical mountain range in the world. It has an area of 340,000 hectares and covers the provinces of Huaylas, Yungay, Carhuaz, Huaraz, Recuay, Bolognesi, Pomabamba, Huary, Mariscal Luzuriaga and Asunción. In Huascarán National Park live a wide variety of flora and fauna.
Huayhuash Mountain Range: 47 km south of the Cordillera Blanca, this group of small mountains is one of the most spectacular circuits in the world. Here we could see, the Yerupajá snow-capped mountain, recognized as the second highest mountain in the country.
Callejón de Huaylas: Is located to 396 km northeast of the city of Lima. Is a beautiful Andean valley between the Cordillera Blanca and the Cordillera Negra. Its climate is temperate, due to the dry season you can consider to visit this place between the months of April and October.
Pastoruri Glacier: Is located to 70 km southern Huaraz and 4,950. It is one of the most beautiful and visited places because is easy to climb it and you do not need a special physical estate, also you can climb it on horseback.
Chiquián: Is located to 110 km south of Huaraz, very close to the Huayhuash Mountain Range. Is a traditional town ideal for practicing adventure sports such as trekking, mountain biking and mountaineering.
Chavín de Huántar Archaeological Complex: Is located to 109 km southeast of Huaraz and 3,150 meters above sea level. Is the impressive architectural complex from the Chavín culture (1,000 BC). It has an area of 40 hectares and its main attractions include the Old Temple, the New Temple, El Lanzon Monolitico and Las Cabezas Clavas. We recommended to visit it between the months of June and August.