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Peru and Bolivia Past and Nature

Peru and Bolivia Past and Nature

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Day 1: Paracas, Ballestas Islands & buggies

4:00 transfer to the Bus Station

7:00 we go to Ballestas Islands, they are located outside the reserve area. They constitute the habitat of a great variety of birds and sea lions. The reserve´s 335.000 hectares is a refuge for seals, Humboldt penguins, flamingos, and many other birds. You can visit many different natural and archaeological attractions in the reserve. One of them is the El Candelabro (The Candelabra), a geoglyph of more tan 120 meters, better appreciated from the ocean that shelters marine otters or chingungos, a species on the verge of extinction, and other marine birds.

The next tour will begin in our Buggies along California desert, where the International Dakar competition was developed, crossing dunes over 200 meters.

Transfer to the Bus Station and arrive to the hotel in Nazca. (2 Hrs. Aprox.)

Day 2: Nazca Lines

After breakfast at the hotel will be taken to the Nazca Airport to fly over the area in our small airplane, it is a vast network of lines and drawings of animals and plants credited to the Nazca culture covering an area approximately 350 Km2.

In the afternoon transfer to the Bus Station to Arequipa

(12 Hrs. Aprox.)

Day 3: Arequipa City Tour

Arrive to Arequipa and transfer to the hotel

City Tour: Santa Catalina’s monastery (duration: 3 hours) Visitto the monastery of Santa Catalina, La Plaza de Armas, The church company Jesuit, their cloisters and dome, complejo religioso de San Francisco , La casona Tristan del Pozo , traditional Barrio of San Lázaro, Barrio of Yanahuara ( Church ), and at the end and for a magnificent view of the city Carmen Alto’s typical districts and Yanahuara . Night at the hotel.

Day 4: Colca Canyon

7:30 Desayuno, 8:00 am. we are going to Chivay, passing by Misti, Chachani and the Pichupichu volcanoes, The National reserve of Salinas and Aguada Blanca, where we found the bigger population of vicunas of the region, whose fiber gives wealth to the local inhabitants  Chaccu ) Pampa Cañahuas 13:00 hrs arrived to the hotel, lunch. We will take a long walk for aprox. 2 hours and next we will enjoy the Hot Springs la Calera. Dinner with a folkloric show. Night at the hotel.

Day 5: Colca Canyon

6:00 continental breakfast 6:30 Visit to the Mirador de la Cruz del Cóndor , strategic point of observation of the cannon and of the spectacular flight of the condor. Return to Chivay. Lunch. 13:00 Transfer from Chivay and arrive to the hotel in Puno. ( 5 Hrs. Aprox.

Day 6: Puno – Uros – Amantani

07:45 am I transfer the Port of the Lago Titicaca, tour in Motor boat for visiting the first Floating Island of the Uros then the Lago Titicaca’s National reserve. Later we will arrive at Amantaní Island. Accommodation in houses of familes  ( Lunch, Cena and I Have Breakfast typical of the zone ). Visits the Pacha Tata  Temple.

Day 7:Taquile – Puno

Breakfast, in the morning we will go from Amantaní to Taquile (1 hour aprox) where the best weavers of the ancient Peru work. A walk of 30min to get to the center of the Island where we will be able to know more about this impressive Island in and having lunch, our next point will be Puno’s port.

Day 8: Copacabana – La Paz

7:00 we will leave the hotel and after we will go to bus station toward Copacabana where we will get lunch (optional) Arrive to La Paz (approximately 10 hours), Llegando to Peace to the 5pm approximately. Night at the hotel.

Day 9: La Paz City Tour – Moon Valle

La Paz is the capital city of Bolivia government. L Paz was founded the October 20 in 1548, for the Spanish captain Alonso De Mendoza. The downtown is approximately to 3.650 m. a. s. l. It is the second urban nucleus bigger and populated of Bolivia. La Paz is surrounded by colored hills crowned by the majestic Illimani ( 6.400 m. a. s. l. ) Next we start with THE VALLEY OF THE MOON (LA PAZ) , The Valley of the moon is located to 15 Km. from downtown. Erosion has achieved after the years forming a set of amazing stony formations.

Day 10: Tour Uyuni – Salar

A horas 07:00 AM. Arribo a Uyuni y transfer a la oficina y libre hasta la 07:00 AM. Arrive to the the office (Uyuni) 11:00 am. Our first tour will be the biggest desert of Salt, (Land Cruiser 4×4) then we will visit the following turístic attractions .Cementery of trains

Colchani Located to the great Salar’s sides, Salt Hotel Located in the Salar’s heart, constructed with salt blocks, their walls, the ground, the beds, tables and chairs, everything was elaborated of salt and finally Incahuasi Island ( the Fish Island )Located in the midway of the desert of salt.

Day 11: Uyuni – Potosí

Desayuno en el hotel y a horas 10:00 am. Bus normal Uyuni – Potosí. (Duración del viaje es de 5 horas). Arribo y acomodación en el hotel. Tarde libre en Potosi.

Day 12: Minas and Casa de la Moneda

08:30 am. We will leave the hotel in Potosí to start our great and interesting adventure to the minas del Cerro Rico de Potosí , At a later time we will visit the refinery of minerals “ingenios” , that are active since a lot of years ago, After we will continue our circuit to the silver mines, where we will observe the forced labor of the miners worked with the mineral. LA CASA DE LA MONEDA of colonial architecture in Sud America, its constructor and architect was Salvador de Vila.

Transfer to the Bus Station and arrive to Uyuni. (18:30 pm.)

Day 13: Uyuni – La Paz

We will get the bus station and we continue to La Paz, Night at the hotel.

Day 14: Copacabana – Isla Del Sol

We leave our hotel in La Paz and will go to Copacabana peninsula wich is to located 151 Km. from the city , it will take approximately of 3 and a half hours, the road surround Titicaca lake with an impressive view of the Real Mountain Range, arrival to the hotel.

After the lunch we will visit The Island of the sun: to reach the south side of the Island of the sun, where we will see the Archeological complex of «Pilkokaina -Templo del Inca» , it was a religious center, later we will go walking for Yumani stairs, then  we will back to Copacabana for taking the bus to Puno’s city (Peru), transfer to your hotels.

Bus to Cusco city.

Day 15: Cusco – City Tour

Arrival to Cusco and transfer to the hotel *** , after the lunch we start the tour and know El Museo de Sitio de Qorikancha, Temple of the Sun, Saqsayhuaman Archeological Complex, in the upper part of the city, Q´enqo, wich is considered a holy place where ceremonies honoring the sun, Puka Pukara which contains several rooms,inner plazas, arqueducts, vantage points and pathways, Tambomachay, that might have fulfilled an important religious function linked to water and the regeneration of the land El Centro Qosqo de Arte Nativo, where you might enjoy of the music and dances of Cusco.

Day 16: Sacred Valley

After the breakfast our tour tour starts by El Valle Sagrado de los Incas, to know Pisac, well known for its craft market, but there are also inca archeological remants:El Intihuatana, a solar clock calendar, an astronomical observatory, and Los andenes de los Incas, agricultural terraces. We will pass by Calca Town. We will have the lunch in a touristic restaurant of Urubamba. Then our next point will be Ollantaytambo, where the incas built a fort that included a temple, agricultural terraces and an urban area, we also will apreciateLas piedras cansadas, el Tunupa, Then we will go to Ollantaytambo´s train station to get Aguas Calientes Town.(2 hrs. aprox.), arrival to the hotel.

Day 17: MACHUPICCHU by car – Santa María– Baños Termales – Santa Teresa – Aguas Calientes

After breakfast, we will go to Santa Teresa to enjoy the hot springs of Cocalmayo – optional visit -. After hot springs, we will walk for 45 minutes toward Santa Teresa town, next we will have lunch, in order to go aboard the car to hydroelectric – later to Machupicchu town, arrival to the hotel and planing of Machu Picchu tour the next day.


Breakfast. Then after our guide is waiting to aboard a touristic bus for going to carry you to Machu Picchu historic Sanctuary, an impressive Inca citadel placed on the side of a mountain. Its quechua name means “Old Mountain”, but it is also known as “The Lost City of The Incas”. For the afternoon we will back by backpacker train to Cusco city and to our hotel.

Day 19:

Our transportation will take you to the Airport to fly to Lima city.

End of the Tour


–    All the transfers: bus stations – hotels – airports – bus stations in Lima, Pisco, Nazca, Arequipa, Puno, La Paz, Potosi, Copacabana and Cusco.

–    Lodging:

  • 1 night in Nazca
  • 1 night in Arequipa
  • 1 night in Chivay
  • 3 nights in Puno
  • 2 night in La Paz
  • 2 nights in Potosi
  • 1 night in Aguas Calientes
  • 3 nights in Cusco City
  • Continental breakfasts
  • Tours: (Pisco) Paracas & Ballestas Islands, (Nazca) Nazca Lines, (Arequipa) City Tour & Colca Canyon, (Puno) Uros – Amantani & Taquile, (La Paz) La Paz City – Copacabana – Moon Valley, & Uyuni, (Potosí), (Cusco) City Tour – Sacred Valley & Machu Picchu.
  • Fly Ticket Cusco – Lima
  • Tickets to all the touristic attractions
  • Turístic guides (Ingles – Español)
  • Backpacker Ticket train Cusco – Aguas Calientes-Cusco
  • Touristic transportation (Pol Service)
  • First Aid Kit 

Total price x person on double room: (4 persons)                    


Tren  Backpacker

Tren  Vistadome


$ 1663.51

$ 1797.00







Optional Services:


    • Transfer Jorge Chavez Airport-Hotel,by person – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – -15.00 USD

    • Transfer Hotel-Jorge Chavez Airport,by person – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – -15.00 USD

All our packages are regulations Dollars, these prices not include IGV. These prices vary and are   modified according to the exchange currently rate at Peru.

* Your Reserve will be processed within soon we will communicate with you. to be able to give more details of the mode of payment, thank you for choosing PERU DESTINO Travel Agency

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