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Southern Perú

Southern Perú

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Start and end in Lima! With the Southern Peru , you have a 14 day tour package taking you through Ica, Arequipa, Puno and Cusco. this amaizing journey  includes air, tickets, accommodation as well as an expert guide, meals, train and bus transport and more.

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Iquitos & the Amazon Rainforest

Iquitos & the Amazon Rainforest

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is the largest city in the world that is inaccessible by road. It is a major tourist destination, known for its vibrant cultural heritage, stunning natural scenery, and diverse wildlife. Visitors can explore the Amazon Rainforest, view pink dolphins in their natural habitat, visit indigenous communities, and sample traditional Peruvian cuisine. Iquitos also features a beautiful historic district with architecture dating back to the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The city is home to a bustling marketplace, unique nightlife, and numerous festivals throughout the year. Despite being isolated from the rest of Peru, Iquitos is easily accessible by air and attracts visitors from all over the world who come to experience its natural beauty and unique cultural.

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Caral Sacred City

Caral Sacred City

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At the moment the investigators are doing excavations. Today we could appreciate the part of the pyramidal central building, an amphitheater of celebrations and political rites and religious of this surprising town that will contribute valuable revelations of this very old culture.

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Visitors can join coast, highlands and jungle, in aged-old celebrations, each music and dance retelling its own history. They are welcome to share in the customs and tasks villagers and witness how farmers have been able to master the dificult terrain of our places.